1984 >> June >> Letters to the Editor  

Letters to the Editor

Reprinted from "INSULATORS - Crown Jewels of the Wire", June 1984, page 25


In the Fall I found a threadless insulator 2-7/8 H - 2-3/8 W with a square hole. Not much is known of this type. Not many people have seen one. Mickey Dutcher of Cortland, N.Y., thinks it is a real Jewel. Picture enclosed. Maybe someone can help identify it. I am a new collector.
Thank You.
Herman Wallace, NIA #784
293 Spencer Rd.
Candor, N.Y. 13743

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 I think it's a real Jewel also. Congratulations to you on your find. 


Dear Dora,

Enclosed is a photograph which I took north-west of San Antonio, Texas, in the "Hill Country". It is certainly being resourceful.
Frank Shiels 


I am enclosing photos of some porcelain power company signs in my collection. With the growing interest in these the past couple of years, I thought perhaps you would want to run them in Crown Jewels.

The SOUTHEASTER (from cover - see below) is one of the nicest power company signs I've yet seen. It is green, yellow and black and measures 16-1/2 by 11. The OHIO EDISON is red, black and white and measures 36 in. in diameter. Almost all of these were taken down many years ago, being replaced by a similar painted sign, most of which have also since been replaced by a more modern Edison sign. The PGE sign is red, white and blue, being 14 in. in diameter. I have been told it is also found in a much larger size, as well as a smaller version.
Ray Klingensmith

(from Cover)

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